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Employment and Earnings
State-level data for women and men are available for the year the gender wage gap is projected to close, median annual earnings, the gender wage ratio, change in real median earnings from 1999-2013, earnings by race and ethnicity, earnings for those with a bachelor’s degree or higher, and share of the lowest and highest earnings quartiles. National data are available for earnings by educational attainment and disability status. State-level data about employment includes labor force participation rates for women and men by race and ethnicity, part-time workers, distribution by major industries and occupations, percent of workers in managerial or professional occupation by race and ethnicity, as well as those working in STEM. National data are available for distribution by occupation by race and ethnicity, types of employment (e.g. private sector, government), and unemployment by race and ethnicity, marital status of parents, and disability.
Poverty and Opportunity
State-level data are available for women’s and men’s access to health insurance, educational attainment, self employment, poverty by race/ethnicity, and median income by household type. Much of the data is also disaggregated by race and ethnicity.
Health and Well-Being
State-level data are available for women’s and men’s health and well-being composite indicators, women’s health behaviors and preventive health, age breakdowns on women’s mental health, incidence of diabetes, limitations on activities and obesity rates, and breakdowns on race and ethnicity for women’s rates of heart disease mortality, lung cancer mortality, breast cancer mortality, diabetes, mental health, activity limitations, obesity and HIV screenings.
Reproductive Rights
State-level data is available on low birth weight babies and infant mortality rates by race and ethnicity.
Work & Family
State-level data are available on paid leave legislation, percent of women living with a person with a disability, elder and dependent care indicators, breadwinner mothers, child care indicators, child care subsides, and the gender gap in parents labor force participation rates.
Violence & Safety
See available state-level data on the percent of high school students experiencing harassment or bullying and dating violence, and state statutes on violence and employment, domestic violence, sexual violence, stalking, and gun ownership
Political Participation
See additional state-level data on women in congress and state legislatures; women of color in congress, state legislatures and statewide elected offices; and institutional resources.
State-Level Demographics
State-level data is available on basic demographics, including the the median age of women; share of the population who are women; the share of the federal and state prison population who are women; and the share of women who are in same-sex partner households, living in urban areas, immigrants, or living with a disability. The demographic data also includes state-level distributions by race/ethnicity, marital status, and household type.