Who we are:

Established in 2000, the Women’s Fund, a special initiative of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities, promotes awareness of issues affecting women and girls through the power of collective philanthropy. The Women’s Fund is part of a nationwide movement, allowing women to fulfill their desire to give back.

The objectives of the Women’s Fund are to educate others about philanthropy and issues affecting women and girls, raise money and award grants that address issues affecting women and girls, promote inclusiveness and cultural competency in giving and grantmaking and empower all women to recognize themselves as philanthropists

How we use Status of Women in the States:

Since 2008, $79,429 in grants has been distributed to nonprofit organizations in the South Central Pennsylvania counties of Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lebanon, and Perry, and the Dillsburg Area. The grants focused on issues of self-sufficiency, health and human services, and education. Data obtained from the Status of Women in the States report is used to better align the grantmaking resources of the Women’s Fund to match the community’s needs and to educate our local community on the current needs of women and girls.
